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Should Canelo fight on Floyd's undercard in the future?

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  • Should Canelo fight on Floyd's undercard in the future?

    I was thinking about this, and I don't know if there is a reason anymore for Nelo to fight on Floyd's undercards. He didn't fight on the Guerrero card because floyd wouldn't guarantee the september fight. Also, that fight did not do well in the ppv. Is there any point in Nelo fighting on his undercard? Should he headline his own card from now on?

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  • #2
    Nah. I wanna see what type of numbers Canelo can bring on his own regarding ppvs


    • #3
      Originally posted by hhs661 View Post
      Nah. I wanna see what type of numbers Canelo can bring on his own regarding ppvs
      I agree. I gave this some thought after the fight and I think it would be kind of awkward to have him placed on the undercard, at least for his next fight. But that means if Canelo is going to headline his own cards, he'll need to step up his competition or no one will buy it. Or he'll have to have some great undercards like Broner vs. Garcia or something really intriguing.

      Right now, he needs to rebuild him confidence and show he's the real deal. So many people are quick to say a fighter is exposed or a bum if they take a loss. If he comes back and beats a top guy (like Lara), they can spin the Floyd loss to make Canelo look good, and he'll be headlining PPVs in no time.


      • #4
        With Floyd only having 4 fights left, I think he needs to mark his own territory.

        He already got the exposure, now its time for him to start building his own legacy.

        JCCjr doesn't look like he wants the Mexican support, Canelo could have every Mexican supporting him only.


        • #5
          It's time for him to headline his own PPV's, he's ready.


          • #6
            nope. he will headline his next ppv. that's gbp masterplan.

            it'll be Canelo-Cotto for Ricky Martin Day Parade Puerto Rican Independence

            Posted from App for Android


            • #7
              t this point I personally dont care what he does. He did nothing at all in the fight with Floyd. Not because floyd was sooooo great but because Canelo dint let his hands go!


              • #8
                Canelo will never fight on an undercard again. I was saying it before the Floyd fight it was a no lose situation for him.
                He lost but didn't get beat up. He got a career payday and if he keeps winning everyone will chalk this loss up to inexperience. No shame in losing to Mayweather for a 23 year old.
                He got mass exposure. As time goes on his english will get better and that will help him be a cross over star.
                I predict he will have his own PPV early next year..


                • #9
                  even if he didnt even get this Floyd fight, he wouldve never been on his undercard again. U cant stay there forever. Time for him to build his own legacy now


                  • #10
                    No he should clean out his division and move to 160 after in 2 yrs

