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Do you want to know how big a galaxy is?

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  • #41
    Originally posted by The Noose View Post
    I bought a telescope a few years ago. Only really tried it out once.
    A few times i set it up in the garden, but by then the clouds moved in. Pain in the arse.

    The moon is always great to look at. Looks so different up close. Like a giant rock just hovering in the sky.
    Keeping the moon in focus can be a pain; but when you vet it right and leave yourself the leeway, yo can really see how fast its going as if crosses the view-piece.

    Every now and then you'll see weird shadows....I presume they're mountains.....on the surface.

    I keep hoping to see one of those legendary "lights" in the craters; but I guess I don't use it enough. Its a rare occurrence, as it is.

    Fascinating satellite, our moon.


    • #42
      Originally posted by BodiesInFlight View Post



      • #43
        no i dont...


        • #44
          Originally posted by K-DOGG View Post
          That truly is awe-inspiring. I'm fortunate enough to live away from the lights of a major metropolitan area and can see many stars at night, meteors, and the occasional satellite passing by. Can't wait for spring so I can get the telescope out in the back yard and just soak in the view.

          If you've never slowed down and done it, I highly recommend doing a little star watching on your own and not just on videos like this or the excellent Stephen Hawking video on The Universe.

          Being out there under the stars, staring upward and outward into infinity has a way of calming the really puts things in perspective when you realize that every little dot is a sun....and every sun has planets dancing around it......and with those planets, billions of other pairs of eyes who might be staring up into the same space in between.

          We're not alone.

          Where do you live?


          • #45
            Originally posted by AFTER HOURS View Post
            Where do you live?
            These days, rural Tennessee.


            • #46
              Originally posted by Chiboxing123 View Post
              There's billions upon billions upon billions of galaxy's. In a sense we are a 1 little grane of salt in 1 full bag of salt in a warehouse that contains 2billion bags of salt. Either it's the strangest thing ever in a ten diminsional universe or we are being lied to. Open ya mind to all possibilities
              Controlling entity funds a movie about aliens

              people get amazed with the movie with some truth and some made up.

              people believes its 'only' movies

              and the deception continues


              some researcher discovers something significant

              debunk-er Journalist funded by the controlling entity debunks the findings with some truth and some lies

              people believes the debunk er to sound smart

              the deception continues


              • #47
                What would I do with such a info because I live in Earth.

