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Latino Langa-Eye Candy Thread

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  • Originally posted by Underboss View Post
    What is your ethnicity?
    Me? Well, my great grandmother on my father's side moved to PR from Spain. My grandmother, father, and uncle, all have fair skin and either blue or green eyes.

    On my mother's side, her father is pretty much white, but her mom has a very dark complexion.. She looks more like her father and her sister looks more like her mother..
    Last edited by El Protagonista; 10-06-2010, 04:23 PM.


    • Originally posted by Slick Ric View Post shocked.........bewildered........but mostly devastated and saddened......

      Originally posted by Cleto_Reyes View Post
      You know he is trying to get his green card as we speak.........


      • I'm not going to post my picture since it's already in my profile picture and I know that some of you have already seen it.

        BTW, Strom this is one of the dumbest threads yet one of the funniest threads you have ever made. Telling a bunch of strangers to post pictures of themselves or else if they don't they're not man enough, is one of the stupidest things I ever heard.

        Posting a picture of yourself on a forum doesn't prove a goddamn thing.

        Originally posted by Slick Ric View Post
        hahahahha Holyfuk................hahahahha you look like a straigh up paisa!!!!!!!! tienes el nopal en la frente mas pintado que he visto en mi vida...........hahahahahahahahhaha...........I can't deal with this.........immma pisss my pans.................fuuuuuukkkkkkk..........hahah ahaha.................too much.........too out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahaha
        Ric, his parents are paisas, why wouldn't he looked like one?

        Originally posted by Slick Ric View Post
        where on you profile? I just went there and nada....don't see it.........but I am dying bout this kat though

        holy****kkkkkk......................I just can't stop laughin............true story!!!!!!!!!
        LMAO Ric you're wrong for laughing at Strom. BTW, is that really Strom? He's one goofy looking motha f@cka!

        Originally posted by Underboss View Post

        Damn Boss, you look like a striaght up Mexican ese! What gang you claim ese? j/k


        • Originally posted by Mr.GordonGekko View Post
          I'm not going to post my picture since it's already in my profile picture and I know that some of you have already seen it.

          BTW, Strom this is one of the dumbest threads yet one of the funniest threads you have ever made. Telling a bunch of strangers to post pictures of themselves or else if they don't they're not man enough, is one of the stupidest things I ever heard.

          Posting a picture of yourself on a forum doesn't prove a goddamn thing.

          Ric, his parents are paisas, why wouldn't he looked like one?

          LMAO Ric you're wrong for laughing at Strom. BTW, is that really Strom? He's one goofy looking motha f@cka!

          Damn Boss, you look like a striaght up Mexican ese! What gang you claim ese? j/k
          Yeah bro, if he is as tough has he tries to act then he will show his face.

          Dude, my parents aren't pasisas. I really don't know where you got that Father(RIP) Was from Mexicali but was raised in LA. He actually was more of you "pachuco" type. My mother was born in Michoacan but was raised in Calexico since she was just a toddler.

          Yeah, that picture is kinda funny I know I'm a good looking kat. Always had "pegue" since I was in elementary.

          Nah bro, he ain't wrong he's just being immature....kinda reminds me of Rios talking smack about Ortiz TBH. I mean the guy is going out of his way to photoshop my pic and talk all this smack? It's actually kinda pathetic but funny in his part. Sounds bitter or something...or jealous....and no, muscles and tats don't make you good looking. A good looking face like mine is what matters.

          But I wouldn't be talking to much smack Mr Gecko....Slick, if you really want to see someone that looks like a paisa look no further than Mr Gecko's profile.

          Here is another one para que se den un
          Last edited by -ELO-; 10-06-2010, 08:50 PM.


          • Originally posted by -DesertStorm- View Post
            Yeah bro, if he is as tough has he tries to act then he will show his face.

            Dude, my parents aren't pasisas. I really don't know where you got that Father(RIP) Was from Mexicali but was raised in LA. He actually was more of you "pachuco" type. My mother was born in Michoacan but was raised in Calexico since she was just a toddler.

            Yeah, that picture is kinda funny I know I'm a good looking kat. Always had "pegue" since I was in elementary.

            Nah bro, he ain't wrong he's just being immature....kinda reminds me of Rios talking smack about Ortiz TBH. I mean the guy is going out of his way to photoshop my pic and talk all this smack? It's actually kinda pathetic but funny in his part. Sounds bitter or something...or jealous....and no, muscles and tats don't make you good looking. A good looking face like mine is what matters.

            But I wouldn't be talking to much smack Mr Gecko....Slick, if you really want to see someone that looks like a paisa look no further than Mr Gecko's profile.

            Here is another one para que se den un
            According to you any Mexican born in Mexico is a paisa so you're parents are paisas & I don't mind looking like a paisa because I am from Mexico and to you every Mexican is a paisa. You look just like every other Mexican that I know. You aren't white ,black, or asian so you can't pass for anything else. You look like a stereotypical Mexican and judging from that pic where you look like a dumb ass, the one Ric keeps laughing at, you look like a paisa too.

            I'm not hating, I'm just saying. I was never talking "smack" & the name is spelled Gekko.


            • Originally posted by Mr.GordonGekko View Post
              According to you any Mexican born in Mexico is a paisa so you're parents are paisas & I don't mind looking like a paisa because I am from Mexico and to you every Mexican is a paisa. You look just like every other Mexican that I know. You aren't white ,black, or asian so you can't pass for anything else. You look like a stereotypical Mexican and judging from that pic where you look like a dumb ass, the one Ric keeps laughing at, you look like a paisa too.

              I'm not hating, I'm just saying. I was never talking "smack" & the name is spelled Gekko.
              No, I know you weren't talking smack....I know you are respectful most of the time. I was referring to slick.

              But yeah, I know I look like a parents are from Mexico I am Hispanic-American of Mexican descent so what else would I look like? I have never said otherwise.

              But you are wrong about the pasia thing...not all people of Mexico look know that very well. You now that people from the South look very different then from the Northern Mexican people.

              I'll put it this way; paisas are to Mexicans what rednecks are to White people...get it?


              • Originally posted by -DesertStorm- View Post
                No, I know you weren't talking smack....I know you are respectful most of the time. I was referring to slick.

                But yeah, I know I look like a parents are from Mexico I am Hispanic-American of Mexican descent so what else would I look like? I have never said otherwise.

                But you are wrong about the pasia thing...not all people of Mexico know that very well. You now that people from the South look very different then from the Northern Mexican people.

                I'll put it this way; paisas are to Mexicans what rednecks are to White people...get it
                Storm, the reason my family and I came to this country was for a better life but we aren't what you call Mexican rednecks. My definition of paisa is Mexicans who behave like rednecks or are ghetto. Paisas can be from the south or north, country folks or city folks, it's the way they behave that makes them paisas & if you mean paisa as in indigenous or indio then I have to say that I'm mestizo. I have indigenous blood but I don't speak any dialects or have any close relatives that do. Maybe my great grand parents but I don't know for sure.

                & besides, you know how mestizo families are-some family members can look white and others can look indigenous. That's how my family is execpt that in mine there are some really light-skinned Mexicans and then some really dark-skinned Mexicans. We all look like stereotypical Latinos and others look Middle Eastern.

                I was born in Northern Mexico, Matamoros, Tamaulipas, right under Brownsville, TX.


                • Originally posted by Mr.GordonGekko View Post
                  Storm, the reason my family and I came to this country was for a better life but we aren't what you call Mexican rednecks. My definition of paisa is Mexicans who behave like rednecks or are ghetto. Paisas can be from the south or north, country folks or city folks, it's the way they behave that makes them paisas & if you mean paisa as in indigenous or indio then I have to say that I'm mestizo. I have indigenous blood but I don't speak any dialects or have any close relatives that do. Maybe my great grand parents but I don't know for sure.

                  & besides, you know how mestizo families are-some family members can look white and others can look indigenous. That's how my family is execpt that in mine there are some really light-skinned Mexicans and then some really dark-skinned Mexicans. We all look like stereotypical Latinos and others look Middle Eastern.

                  I was born in Northern Mexico, Matamoros, Tamaulipas, right under Brownsville, TX.
                  I totally agree with you 110% I guess that is what I meant more than anything, doesn't matter what part of Mex they may be from but the way they behave. That was definitely a much better way of putting it.

                  Yeah bro, same here older brother is very dark, he can definitely pass-off as an Indian(Hindu) or Middle-Eastern. My younger brother is very light skinned and I'm somewhat in the middle. My niece literally looks like a white baby. My daughters are very light also. Andfrom my fathers side I have a few uncles and cousins that are white with colored eyes and from my mothers they are more darker.


                  • Damn.. whats with the Mexican on Mexican hate?.. I thought us Ricans were bad!

                    Regardless of what you do or where youre from or what city you represent youre still a ****ing MEXICAN.. get over it.. stop all the hate..

                    Now.. for a joke... Why dont Mexicans jump the border in three's?

                    -Because it says no TRESpassing..

                    C'mon.. fuck you if you didnt laugh.. that was funny...


                    • No mames cabrón, ese pinche Desert habla de inmigrantes y tiene la jeta de un naco vendiendo chicles en Insurgentes....

                      Desert, no te vallas a Arizona porque to meten al bote. Lo único que te falta es un sarape y unos guaraches echos de llanta.

