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Damn... So Julio Cesar la Cruz Can't Fight For the Cuban Boxing Team Now!?

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  • Damn... So Julio Cesar la Cruz Can't Fight For the Cuban Boxing Team Now!?

    Didn't this guy just get shot? He gets right back into the ring a month later, and they have the nerve to say that he was ill-prepared!?

    El bicampeón mundial Julio César La Cruz quedó excluido por falta de preparación del tope de cuartos de final de la Serie Mundial de Boxeo (WSB), que Domadores de Cuba y USA Knockouts disputarán el 4 de abril en La Habana, informó este martes la federación local.

    La Cruz, de 24 años y elegido el mejor púgil de América en 2011, “sumó ausencias al gimnasio por diferentes causas y no está al tope de sus posibilidades”, por lo que “su puesto será ocupado por el subcampeón olímpico de Pekín-2008, Emilio Correa”, señaló la Federación, citada por el diario digital Jit, del Instituto Cubano de Deportes (Inder).

    La fuente destacó que La Cruz (81 kg) tiene una “deuda de preparación acumulada en las últimas semanas”, mientras que Correa, de 28 años, muestra una “excelente forma” en los entrenamientos, pese a que ha estado ausente de los escenarios oficiales desde mayo de 2012.

    La Cruz fue sometido en enero a una cirugía para extraerle una bala de la cadera pero un mes más tarde regresó por todo lo alto a la WSB al propinar una paliza al medallista olímpico y mundial Teymur Mammadov, de Azerbaiyán.

    Sin embargo, el pasado 12 de marzo La Cruz cayó de manera sorpresiva ante el desconocido ruso Nikita Ivanov, para sufrir su primer revés en el torneo, luego de tres victorias.

    El quinteto de los Domadores para el match de La Habana se completa con el campeón de Londres-2012, Roniel Iglesias (69 kg), el bicampeón mundial Lázaro Álvarez (60), y Gerardo Cervantes (52 kg) y Yoandris Toirac (+91).

    Antes de encontrarse en la capital cubana, ambas franquicias chocarán el próximo viernes en Florida, en la primera visita de la selección cubana de boxo a Estados Unidos en 15 años.

    La escuadra cubana para el cartel del viernes está integrada por Yosbany Veitía (49 kg), Marcos Forestal (56), Yasnier Toledo (64), Ramón Luis (75) y Erislandy Savón (91).

    Domadores se impuso en nueve de sus 10 compromisos eliminatorios -solo cedió ante Rusia-, y lideró el grupo B con 28 puntos, en un desempeño “muy superior” al de los estadounidenses, que apenas consiguieron 11 unidades y fueron cuartos del colectivo

    Article Link:

  • #2

    The world champion Julio Cesar La Cruz was excluded for lack of preparation stop quarterfinals of the World Series of Boxing (WSB ), which Wranglers Cuba and USA Knockouts played on 4 April in Havana, Tuesday the federation Local .

    La Cruz , 24, and chosen the best fighter in America in 2011 , " added absences to the gym for different reasons and is not at the top of their abilities" , so that "his seat will be filled by the Olympic silver medalist from Beijing 2008 Emilio Correa , "said the Federation, quoted by the daily digital Jit , the Cuban Sports Institute ( INDER) .

    The source stressed that La Cruz ( 81 kg ) has a " preparation accumulated debt in recent weeks ," while Correa , 28 , shows a " great way " in training , even though he has been absent from the stage officers since May 2012.

    La Cruz underwent surgery in January to remove a bullet from the hip but a month later he returned in style to the WSB to beat up the Olympic and world medalist Teymur Mammadov of Azerbaijan.

    However, the March 12 La Cruz fell in a surprise to the Russian Nikita Ivanov unknown , to suffer their first defeat in the tournament after three wins.

    The quintet of Wranglers for the match in Havana complete with champion London 2012 , Roniel Iglesias (69 kg ) , world champion Lazaro Alvarez (60 ) , and Gerardo Cervantes ( 52 kg) and Yoandris Toirac ( +91 ) .

    Before meeting in Havana , both franchises collide in Florida on Friday , at the first visit of the Cuban team of Boxo the U.S. in 15 years.

    The Cuban squad for Friday's lineup consists Yosbany Veitía (49 kg) , Mark Forest ( 56 ) , Yasnier Toledo ( 64 ) , Ramón Luis (75) and Erislandy Savon (91).

    Wranglers won nine of its 10 qualifying - only commitments yielded to Russia , and led the group B with 28 points in a " far superior " to the Americans, who just got 11 points were fourth and performance of the group A.


    • #3
      Are you serious? I just bought a ticket to Cuba vs USA this Friday. I was hoping to see La Cruz fight.


      • #4
        I wonder if this is just an excuse to keep La Cruz from possibly defecting. I'm still debating whether to head to the match. This doesn't make the event any more interesting.


        • #5
          Exactly what I was thinking


          • #6
            la Cruz was slated to fight in Havana, not Miami. But he was probably going though just to show support. They're keeping Roniel Iglesias in Cuba from what happened last year, and they're banning Robeisy Ramirez and Julio for the reasons of being unprepared... They're the brightest fighters on that team! Something tells me that its not the fact that they're unprepared... They're unmotivated. They don't want to fight for free...


            • #7
              The Cuban team trainers and administrators know what they are doing. La Cruz is the best P4P amateur boxer currently, but rules are the rules. Viva Fidel y el Che

