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Valero bught 50 grams of cocaine hours before the tragedy

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  • Valero bught 50 grams of cocaine hours before the tragedy

    Valero compró 50 gramos de cocaína antes de salir de Mérida

    Valero bought 50grams of cocaine before leaving Merida

    Pruebas toxicológicas del boxeador dieron positivo para consumo de drogas

    Toxic analisys in his body tested positive for drugs consuption.

    Cuando la policía bajó a Edwin Valero "el Inca" de la media pared en la que se había colgado con su blue jeans, los forenses se dieron cuenta de que en la boca tenía un papel doblado, al abrirlo vieron que era una foto de él con sus hijos.

    When police personnel took down his body from the wall in which he comitted suicide with his blue jeans, the forensic personnel that in his mouth he had a folded piece of paper, when they opened the paper they noticed it was a picture of him with his children.

    Su fin fue quizás el resultado del estado de conciencia en el que entró después que pasaron efectos de la droga, al comprender que había matado a su esposa. El mismo Valero relató tras su detención en el hotel Intercontinental de Valencia que antes de salir de El Vigía había comprado 50 gramos de cocaína que fue consumiendo durante el viaje. Su condición fue empeorando a medida que pasaban las horas hasta que pararon en la capital carabobeña.

    The end was perhaps the result of his state of mind after the effects of the drugs and understand that he killed his wife. Valero himself explained, after his aprehension in the Intercontinental hotel of Valencia, that before leaving El Vigia he bought 50 grams of cocaine that he consumed during the trip. His condition got worse with the time until they stopped in the capital carabobena.

    Las pruebas realizadas al boxeador dieron positivo para el consumo de drogas.

    Toxicologic test realized to the boxer body tested positive for drugs consumption.


    Eran las 5:30 de la madrugada cuando el "Inca" salió de la habitación. Estaba solo y se veía que se había bañado. A pesar de las cuatro horas que habían pasado desde que él y Yenifer Carolina, su esposa, finalmente se fueron al cuarto, el Inca seguía nervioso. Se tomó un café en el lobby y caminaba de un lado a otro retorciéndose las manos.

    At 5:30 in the morning Valero (el "inca") left the room. He was alone and it was obvious that he took a shower. Four hours after he and his wife Yenifer Carolina, finally went to their room, El inca was nervous. He drank a cup of coffee in the lobby and was walking from one side to the other and rubbing his hands.

    Llamaron en vano a la habitación y fue cuando el personal del hotel se atrevió a acercarse a Valero para decirle que estaban preocupados, pues ella no atendía el teléfono. Él sólo les respondió: "Es que no les va a atender porque la maté".

    They called the room and was when the hotel personnel attempted an approach to Valero to tell him that they were worried because her wife was not attending the phone. He only answered: "she won't answer the phone because I killed her"

    Lo que siguió fue la detención. "El Inca" había llegado a la muerte convencido de que Yenifer pretendía que lo mataran.

    What followed was his detention. El "inca" met his death convinced that his wife Yenifer wanted to get killed.

    La noche del sábado, en las horas de viaje desde Mérida, él se sentía perseguido, todos los carros le resultaban amenazantes. En cada alcabala del camino los guardias nacionales o los policías estaban esperando por él. Los movimientos de Yenifer a su lado eran, según dijo al ser interrogado, señales de que le indicaba a los policías de las alcabalas que lo mataran.

    Saturday night, in the hours of travel from Merida, he felt persuit, every single car was threat for him. In every single police control point in the way to carabobo he felt they were waiting for him. Every single move from Yenifer next to him were, as he said in the interrogation, signals to the police to kill him.

    En ese tormento llegaron a Valencia y se fueron al hotel Intercontinental, pues ya no había manera de seguir el viaje. En la recepción estuvieron desde las 11:30 de la noche. Allí, Valero tampoco se sentía seguro, personas extrañas en la recepción lo señalaban.

    In this nightmare they arrived to Valencia and went directly to the Intercontinental hotel, because there was no way to follow the trip. They stayed in the front desk of the hotel since 11:30p.m. There, Valero wasn't feeling safe either, strange people in the lobby were looking at him.

    Pidieron una habitación, pero antes exigió que la revisaran hasta debajo de la cama y así lo hicieron. Pero lo asignaron a una zona donde no había demasiados huéspedes. Con preocupación, los encargados del hotel lo vieron desaparecer aquella noche tras la puerta.

    They asked for a room, but before he asked them to check the room even under the bed adn they did it. But they assigned them to a zone were they didn't have a lot of customers. The employees worried, saw how they disapeared that night behind the door.

    En la habitación "el Inca" terminó de consumir lo que le quedaba y luego lo acompañó con todo el licor que había en el bar de la habitación.

    In the room "el inca" finished with the rest of the drugs and then he followed with all the alcohol form the room minibar.

    Y ya no supo más, o al menos fue lo que le dijo a los funcionarios que lo interrogaron.

    Then he doesn't remember anymore, at least was what he said to the police who interrogated him.

    Cuando despertó tenía las manos llenas de sangre y a su lado Yenifer estaba muerta con tres heridas en el cuello.

    When he woked up he saw his hands full of blood and at his side was Yenifer dead with three wounds in the neck.

    El admitió haberse bañado. Las pruebas de luminol dieron positivo en el baño, lo que demuestra que lavó la sangre e incluso una toalla que usó para secarse. La policía nunca encontró el arma homicida.

    He admitted that he took a shower. The luminol tests were positive for in the bathroom, what shows that he washed the blood and a towel that he used to dry himself. The police never found the murder weapon.

  • #2


    • #3
      Lord he was ****ing looney toons add in the drugs and you got a very bad combo


      • #4
        damn thats enough coke to feed a small army, and add that to his already bad metal health and you have yourself a tradegy.


        • #5
          this ends the valero saga. In effect, he died a drug addict and took with him his wife and orphaned his kids.


          • #6
            dude was unstable with or without cocaine


            • #7
              When police personnel took down his body from the wall in which he comitted suicide with his blue jeans, the forensic personnel that in his mouth he had a folded piece of paper, when they opened the paper they noticed it was a picture of him with his children

              that explains the whte something in his mouth......just ****in sad..

