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Hey. The Chiong Seven...what do you think of em?

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  • #21
    the only witness the prosecution had was a rapist turned rat. Rusia claimed they were all involved and within 30 days he was freed, he and mrs. Chiong were buddies to the point where every couple of months they'd visit each other. her buying him gifts, etc.

    would you do that for somebody who admittedly ****d and murdered your two daughter in cold blood who WON'T even talk about where the bodies are?


    • #22
      Originally posted by Timothy Horton View Post
      Can you guys who doubt him please offer just a few pieces of evidence or at least something that I can read to bone up on further details.


      based on everything that I have seen (not just the movie now) he's innocent. He cannot be guilty.

      How could he possibly have gotten to Cebu in the middle of the night. A whole other Island. Without some sort of trace??? and then back to school six hours later? 350 miles away?

      and his father is a Spanish farmer. They might have a little more money than the average Pinoy but they're not rich Further, the one person caught lying on the regular was the young victim's (the Chiong Sisters) mother.

      so yeah, for people who think he's guilty, I would love to know why.

      How was he doctoring photo's in 1998 while he was locked up? there were multiple photos of him at a party throughout most of the night. There is absolutely no way that he could have done this.

      There is an international outcry.

      The reality is this - the Phillippino courts of the time were being bribed and pressured by the Chiong's (she said as much on film) and the media without giving a damn whether these kids were guilty or innocent.

      Paco is clearly innocent.

      There are only two possible ways for your man paco to be freed, and that is proving innocence through the courts or getting a presidential pardon.

      By the way. it is Filipinos not Phillipinos.


      • #23
        Originally posted by Daniel Alpha View Post
        There are only two possible ways for your man paco to be freed, and that is proving innocence through the courts or getting a presidential pardon.

        By the way. it is Filipinos not Phillipinos.
        Thank you for the correction. That's strange since the Phillippines is spelled with a PH. I will make the necessary adjustment.

        you can only prove innocence in the courts if you get a fair trial, which Paco did NOT.

        Arroyo was on her way to making it happen in conjunction with the King as well as the President of Spain. It died on the vine and I have no idea why though I would imagine it has something to do with the average Filipino wanting to see somebody die on behalf of the two missing girls.


        • #24
          further, paco had his day in the supreme court and was denied. why?

          Mrs. Chiong's cousin was the head justice. The whole case, investigation and the courts involvement was corrupt as all get up. It's terrible and to be honest, I don't see how anybody can find him guilty.

          It's a disgrace.


          • #25
            Originally posted by Timothy Horton View Post
            Thank you for the correction. That's strange since the Phillippines is spelled with a PH.
            The original name of our country was Felipenas after Rei Felipe of Spain. Rei Felipe in Englinh is King Philip so the Americans called our country Philippines when they colonized us. The name of our has evolved from Felipenas to Filipinas and to it's recent name, Pilipinas.

            We refer to ourselves as Filipinos.

            BTW, as a trivia, the original name of Texas when it was under the reign of Mexico was Nuevas Filipinas and that in English is New Philippines.


            • #26
              Originally posted by Uncle Kadyo View Post
              The original name of our country was Felipenas after Rei Felipe of Spain. Rei Felipe in Englinh is King Philip so the Americans called our country Philippines when they colonized us. The name of our has evolved from Felipenas to Filipinas and to it's recent name, Pilipinas.

              We refer to ourselves as Filipinos.

              BTW, as a trivia, the original name of Texas when it was under the reign of Mexico was Nuevas Filipinas and that in English is New Philippines.
              Whoa, I didn't know that. So texas must be a Philippine territory.



              • #27
                Originally posted by Uncle Kadyo View Post
                The original name of our country was Felipenas after Rei Felipe of Spain. Rei Felipe in Englinh is King Philip so the Americans called our country Philippines when they colonized us. The name of our has evolved from Felipenas to Filipinas and to it's recent name, Pilipinas.

                We refer to ourselves as Filipinos.

                BTW, as a trivia, the original name of Texas when it was under the reign of Mexico was Nuevas Filipinas and that in English is New Philippines.
                man, I love hearing stuff like this. Thanks Uncle Kadyo! Let me see if i can hit you with my minute karma


                • #28
                  Originally posted by Uncle Kadyo View Post
                  The original name of our country was Felipenas after Rei Felipe of Spain. Rei Felipe in Englinh is King Philip so the Americans called our country Philippines when they colonized us. The name of our has evolved from Felipenas to Filipinas and to it's recent name, Pilipinas.

                  We refer to ourselves as Filipinos.

                  BTW, as a trivia, the original name of Texas when it was under the reign of Mexico was Nuevas Filipinas and that in English is New Philippines.
                  man, I love hearing stuff like this. Thanks Uncle Kadyo! Let me see if i can hit you with my minute (compared to yours) karma.


                  • #29
                    Originally posted by Daniel Alpha View Post
                    Whoa, I didn't know that. So texas must be a Philippine territory.

                    you and me both, boss.

                    Kadyo is one smart mother!


                    • #30
                      Originally posted by Timothy Horton View Post
                      Can you guys who doubt him please offer just a few pieces of evidence or at least something that I can read to bone up on further details.

