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Promiscuous Women Cause Earthquakes Says Iranian Cleric

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  • #11
    Hojatoleslam Kazeem Sedighi told reporters that “many women who do not dress modestly…. lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which consequently increases earthquakes.”
    I love the way it's always the womans fault. Men never take blame for anything over there. If a woman get's ****d, it's her fault, if she gets beaten, it's on her......

    These ***ers are lowlife's.


    • #12
      Women are a mother****er -Andre Berto lol....they do cause car accidents and other disasters.


      • #13
        ******s and their backward thoughts and traditions .


        • #14
          Originally posted by ILLuminato View Post
          Women are a mother****er -Andre Berto lol....they do cause car accidents and other disasters.
          THAT yes, it's always the cellphones and putting make-up .


          • #15
            Originally posted by SnoopySmurf View Post

            Promiscuous Women Cause Earthquakes Says Iranian Cleric – A recent study is reporting in the senior Iranian cleric says that women who wear immodest clothing and act in promiscuous ways are the ones who we should be blaming for earthquakes. An odd report but yet backed up by some interesting scientific research. Iran is one of the most earthquake prone countries in the world so surely they have the experience to make the call on this sort of thing but their very unusual report has confused just about everyone. Explaining why the earth shakes with clothing and promiscuous behavior is rather bizarre. The President of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is saying that a earthquake is coming to the Tehran area and that as many as 12 million people should be looking to relocate to better grounds because the aftermath is going to be disastrous.

            Hojatoleslam Kazeem Sedighi told reporters that “many women who do not dress modestly…. lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which consequently increases earthquakes.” There are women in the Islamic Republic regions that are held down by the law to cover their bodies from head to toe with clothing. There are lots of women in these areas, especially among young people who are disobeying these laws and are rebelling against the strict clothing rules and have been found wearing tight coats and scarves that are pulled back and in the end show a lot of their hair. Sedighi is saying that we are all going to be buried under the rubble and that if women continue to act this way that the matter will only grow worse and earthquakes will continue to greatly affect our regions.
            how dare those ****ing sluts show a bit of hair, and a tight coat - well they'll be showing ankles next. And everyone knows those Icelandic women show of their ankles. We all know what happened there.


            • #16
              I agree, as illuminato quoted and just like Berto said "women are a mother****er."


              • #17
                Why are women so evil?

                Little innocent babies die in earthquakes.

                Heartless horny bitches.


                • #18
                  Well I'm glad they finally figured out the cause. I thought it was Poseidon all this time.

                  And what are these women doing out of the kitchen, anyway? Someone dropped the ball on this one.


                  • #19
                    It had to be women and their sluty behavior.


                    • #20


