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floyd haters/fans is the line that thin

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  • #11
    Originally posted by boxer2k5 View Post
    I notice that the people who hate floyd so much to the point of stalkish like.
    I mean they go out there way to find anything to discredit floyd or make gifs and sigs and avitars to degrade him someway or show everyone how much they really hate floyd. But to me they sound more like unsatisfied floyd fans.
    Because i cant understand how someone you hate so much someone who you feel ducked anyone good and fought only bums someone who has no power and is boring to watch yet you talk about him more than his own fans do. You know so much about his personal life i sometimes think im on TMZ and not NSB.

    Like is it really that serious do you hate floyd so much you spend your precious time in your "busy" lives that you must make everyone else agree to your opinions and hate him too? It seems like rather spend your time trying to prove floyd and his supporters wrong instead of actually enjoying and talking about the side of boxing and boxers you do like. And this goes to the Manny haters as well. who take what he does and turn it upside down and search for vids and pics and quotes to make him look bad. they both have their flaws they both are the best of our generation.

    All Im saying is if you dont like one or the other then why do you spend so much time of your lives talking about them? I dont like carl froch yet i cant see myself finding or wasting time creating a gif or picture to discredit him. lol
    Its not that serious. I would have sworn you guys were running a political campaign the way you waste your time constantly talking about a fighter you socalled cant stand and hate and so boring yet your in every good or bad thread about him you have him in your sig and avitar in someway. Its a little stalkish to me. Kind of creeps me out a little.
    Truthfully, the hate comes from both sides equally. I myself enjoy Floyd's talents in the ring as I do with Pacquiao's. Though I find Manny's style much more entertaining, I don't run with that to make Floyd seem as if he's not in Pacquiao's league. Both Pacquiao and Mayweather fans are guilty of simply being biased towards their fighter, even for those who claim to be "unbiased".


    • #12
      noone talks about actual boxing anymore noone discuss possible matches or past fights or fantasy matches. noone uses logic and styles and pros and cons on why people would win. its all biased opinions now. and i feel like its a beauty saloon more than its a barber shop talk because the discussions go from what boxers do in the ring to. Oh hes a criminal hes a menace he beats his wife oh he crackhead oh he flashes his money too much oh he this he that he hangs with this and that. It seems like half the posters worry more about a grown mans ***ual preference than his actual boxing. sound jsut like females who talk about celebs and other females instead of what they do they worry about stuff they have no buisness talking about.

      like why do half of you guys worry about if floyd is straight or gay? i mean he never said he was gay and he has a bunch of kids different baby mothers im not proving he straight
      or do i care but why is his ***ual preference always brought up. but then i see a bunch of martinez is ***y threads and im thinking these guys have some real issues. my main point is that these guys go out there way and do whatever it takes to put down someone they hate so bad. thats some serious personal issues. its not funny its creepy.


      • #13
        Originally posted by harima1 View Post

        Floyd has build his PPV reputation by being disliked. He doesn't give a fuck. He build that persona because it attracts people to see him get beat up.
        no thats when people actually watch him fight im not talking about that. im talking about everything outside of boxing


        • #14
          Originally posted by RL_GMA View Post
          Truthfully, the hate comes from both sides equally. I myself enjoy Floyd's talents in the ring as I do with Pacquiao's. Though I find Manny's style much more entertaining, I don't run with that to make Floyd seem as if he's not in Pacquiao's league. Both Pacquiao and Mayweather fans are guilty of simply being biased towards their fighter, even for those who claim to be "unbiased".
          i know i brought up manny and how they try to bring his accomplishments down. i agree. it goes both ways. i think its creepy when anyone would go out there way and grown men talk about another grown man personal life when we are here to talk about boxing.


          • #15
            Originally posted by harima1 View Post

            Floyd has build his PPV reputation by being disliked. He doesn't give a fuck. He build that persona because it attracts people to see him get beat up.
            Looks like his so called "fans" didn't got the message and just started masturbating on floyd's image the moment they see it without even knowing the boxer himself thrives on hate.


            • #16
              Your pissing in the wind here mate. No point in being reasonable, most of these people are so bias its embarrassing.

