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Hitler killed millions in the name of atheism

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  • Originally posted by Chups View Post
    I don't get these people.....Moral values and fear of God is what keeping us from complete chaos.

    The chaos you are seeing now is nothing compared if the world didn't believe that there is God.
    Originally posted by Bob Anomaly View Post
    Apparently, studies suggest predominantly atheist countries have lowest crime rates.

    And Buddhists dont believe in God, and they seem to have a very peaceful philosophy.
    name some atheist countries?

    japan,korea,china and thailand is a buddhist nations.peaceful?


    • Originally posted by Chups View Post
      The chaos you are seeing now is nothing compared if the world didn't believe that there is God.
      So all the extremist ******s that are blowing people up in the name of Allah would be much worse if there was no religion?


      Think before you speak.


      • All of this is nonsense barely worth responding to, but here it goes.
        Originally posted by squealpiggy View Post
        They were doing it for the regime, not because of a lack of belief in the supernatural.Just as there anti-semitism was. The evil that ocurred was ungodly. You are making the claim that they were killing for atheism. Back it up, what makes you think they were killing in the name of atheism?

        Here is my evidence: The Soviet purges of the 1930s were conducted under NKVD Order No. 00447, which was titled:

        "About repression of former kulaks, criminals, and other anti-Soviet elements"

        Kulaks being richer peasants and therefore the class enemy of the poor peasants under Russian feudalism.
        And the religious. Are you here to doubt that the Soviets killed religious people for their religion???

        Horse****. You try and link everything bad to specific anti-capitalism. I'm just stating facts Hitler was primarily motivated by patriotism to the Germanic people, and secondarily motivated by an intense dislike of ***s, whom he considered to be the principle culprits of what he considered the treachery of the Treaty of Versaille and the Weimar Republic.The main reason was because ***s were high in the business and banking so it was easy to blame on the ***s And he wasn't alone, Weimar Germany was awash with anti semitic demagogues. Hitler was the one with the combination of drive, oratory skill and luck that floated to the top.

        And Hitler had to fight hard for the leadership of Germany against the rise of Communism. I know a lot about how Hitler rose to power.

        Hitler was a scientific illiterate, now you're attempting to vilify the theory of evolution by associating it with Hitler. Hitler was into Nietzsche, not Darwin. Hitler embraced pseudoscience because it supported his ideology. You should find something of a kindred spirit there.
        Maybe you don't remember in his book when he says: "Look, a *** this a German?

        This is another point, thanks for bringing it up: Even if Hitler was an avowed atheist... it was Christians that did the killing, that built the camps, that smashed in ***ish businesses, that helped round them up, that betrayed their ***ish friends, that made the gas etc. The Holocaust was carried out by Christians in the name of an ideology which was at least nominally christian.
        Wait, so first this is about fighting Communism, for Christian beliefs, and now it's anti-semitism? Which is it?

        Please do stop with this "read a book" nonsense. You're a 19 year old whelp of a boy, I've said before try and get yourself a little life experience and then you can engage with me as an equal. As of now if "read a dictionary" is the best you have you're in a sorry state.
        LOL, the fact that you feel you can change the definition of something proves your total insanity. Then, you push this conviction further when you try to play the age card. READ A DICTIONARY, its all there!!! Skepticism is agnosticism, not atheism. Since you don't even know the definitions, maybe you don't know which you are to begin with?

        Atheists tend to be sceptics. I have tried to explain this concept to you but it's obviously difficult for you to get over your prejudice against them. A sceptic doesn't look at, for example, a flying saucer picture and say "Well this could be a flying saucer or it could be a button on a string... the chance of it being either is 50-50". A sceptic will look at the picture and say "well it's more likely to be a button on a string because we know for sure that buttons and string exist while we have only sketchy evidence at best for flying saucers". Same with the existence of dieties. The sceptical point of view of god is not "well there could be bu there might not be". Rather it is "the existence of an invisible super-being who listens to prayers and judges the dead is an extraordinary claim, what is the evidence". And of course there is no evidence for such a being that could not be better ascribed to known and established phenomenon. So atheism is a sceptical position.No, it is not. Atheism=the theory or belief that God does not exist. This is basic definitions here.

        It's actually vaguely frightening that the ONLY reason you don't cause chaos is a literal fear of god.
        So God condemns evil, and therefore we an obligation to morality?


        • Just as there anti-semitism was. The evil that ocurred was ungodly.
          The "evil" was pretty godly if you're familiar with the Old Testament.

          [quote]And the religious. Are you here to doubt that the Soviets killed religious people for their religion???[/uote]

          The Soviets killed people for threatening the regime.

          The main reason was because ***s were high in the business and banking so it was easy to blame on the ***s
          No it wasn't.

          Maybe you don't remember in his book when he says: "Look, a *** this a German?
          Doesn't sound terribly scientific to me.

          Wait, so first this is about fighting Communism, for Christian beliefs, and now it's anti-semitism? Which is it?
          You made this topic in an attempt to illustrate that atheists don't have morals, and as an example you used a roman catholic deist who persuaded a bunch of christians to murder ***s. FAIL.

          LOL, the fact that you feel you can change the definition of something proves your total insanity. Then, you push this conviction further when you try to play the age card.
          I didn't play the age card, I played the maturity card.

          READ A DICTIONARY, its all there!!! Skepticism is agnosticism, not atheism. Since you don't even know the definitions, maybe you don't know which you are to begin with?
          I don't need to "read a dictionary".

          No, it is not. Atheism=the theory or belief that God does not exist. This is basic definitions here.
          a⋅the⋅ism  [ey-thee-iz-uhm] Show IPA
          1. the doctrine or belief that there is no God.
          2. disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.


          So God condemns evil, and therefore we an obligation to morality?
          Unfortunately god doesn't do a terribly good job of defining evil, so we're left to guess apparently.

          And it's still scary that the reason people don't do bad things is purely because they are afraid of punishment or seek reward. Such selfishness.


          • I'm done with taking you seriously Squeally.

            Hitler's anti-Semitism wasn't REALLY literally scientifically, I've gone through this already. Big nosed ***s don't look the same as Wonderbread Aryans....

            The fact that you try to change set, universally accepted definitions just shows how twisted you really are. You're a proof of ******* brainwashing. The fact that you bumped this thread when you're obviously wrong in almost everything you argue furthers this again.

            I'll suggest that you shouldn't hate ideas just because you hate a person. I'd hate to see how you function in the real world....


            • Originally posted by xzworks View Post
              name some atheist countries?

              japan,korea,china and thailand is a buddhist nations.peaceful?
              So u think countries with mostly Christians are the most peaceful?

              Denmark, Sweden, Norway, are all countries with high percentages of atheists. And the crime rates are low.

              But it seems to be more due to a healthy economy and low unemployment.

              Buddhism is a philosophy similar to Christianity. Buddhist countries and Christian countries share similar crime figures. Nothing suggesting belief in a God equates a healthier, peaceful society.

              The idea that less belief in God means more anarchy and 'chaos' is unfounded. Just look at how religion is being used in countries to cause conflict and violence. It is how the belief is used that is important.

              A philosophy which seeks out the most reasonable, peaceful solution doesnt need belief in a God to work.

              Belief in God can be both very beneficial and very destructive, but its all about how the individual acts upon their beliefs.


              • Originally posted by ILLuminato View Post
                I'm done with taking you seriously Squeally.

                Hitler's anti-Semitism wasn't REALLY literally scientifically, I've gone through this already. Big nosed ***s don't look the same as Wonderbread Aryans....
                That's funny, you said that Hitler's anti-semitism was based on science and genetics and now you're saying it isn't. You're all over the place aren't you?

                The fact that you try to change set, universally accepted definitions just shows how twisted you really are. You're a proof of ******* brainwashing. The fact that you bumped this thread when you're obviously wrong in almost everything you argue furthers this again.
                You mean by providing you with actual dictionary definitions of atheism after you advised me to, and I quote, "read a dictionary"? Yes, I had a subtle and underhanded way of twisting facts by using reality. I'm such a dastard.

                I'll suggest that you shouldn't hate ideas just because you hate a person. I'd hate to see how you function in the real world....
                What are you referring to here? Hitler? Even by your lax standards you're not making sense.


                • Originally posted by ILLuminato View Post
                  This is proof you cannot be moral without religion.
                  logic fail


                  • Hitler never killed "millions" of ***s.

                    That's just straight up zionist propaganda.

                    Numbers were like 750K-1M

                    People be talking like omg hitler killed like 8 million ***s.

                    Yeah right, spare me the bull****.


                    • Originally posted by Los Blancos View Post
                      Hitler never killed "millions" of ***s.

                      That's just straight up zionist propaganda.

                      Numbers were like 750K-1M

                      People be talking like omg hitler killed like 8 million ***s.

                      Yeah right, spare me the bull****.
                      Oh dear.

