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Mayweather ducked Spadafora!

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  • Mayweather ducked Spadafora!

    I know there are a lot of Mayweather fans out there so maybe you guys could explain this. This just came to my attention that I believe back when PBF was in 135 Spaddy called Mayweather out to fight him but instead Mayweather responed that "i don't need to fight him.....i'm looking for other fights." Somethin along those lines.

    If PBF did say this I really dont understand this, what other fights could there be at 135?? Spaddy was and is a undefeated fighter, Spaddy also had a major belt at the time so this would give Mayweather the opportunity to unify 2 belts??

    The answer to this question could be that Spaddy roughed PBF up in a sparring session. A friend of mine saw the tape and said he embarassed PBF pretty good.

    I just think it funny how Mayweather calls my boy Gatti out for duckin him, when its looks like the Mayweather had dodged some bullets of his own

    Also on a side note would like to see a Spadfora/Mayweather to be honest, as much as I dislike Mayweather, and really am losing my intrest in Spaddy as well w/ each day.

  • #2
    There was actually a date set for that fight but they couldn't find a venue then Spadafora got in trouble with the law.


    • #3
      With Mayweather's resume, it's hard to believe he ducked anybody...


      • #4
        Originally posted by m00ks
        With Mayweather's resume, it's hard to believe he ducked anybody...

        Exactly, I am a personal friend of Michael Acri (spaddys former promoter) Spaddy wanted Floyd in Pittsburgh and Mayweather wasnt having any of that. Spadafora also knew Mayweather would school him and Acri used Spadafora as his meal ticket.

        Dont be fooled, Spadafora posed no serious threat to Mayweather and no ducking was involved. Neither party truly wanted the fight to happen and Mayweather had Corrales/Castillo lined up while Spadafora had Holbaek and Dorin.


        • #5
          Mayweather ducking


          • #6
            It makes no sense for the fighter at a higher weight class to duck a star who's moving up because he was so dominant at the weight class he was in.


            • #7
              Originally posted by ThunderGatti
              I know there are a lot of Mayweather fans out there so maybe you guys could explain this. This just came to my attention that I believe back when PBF was in 135 Spaddy called Mayweather out to fight him but instead Mayweather responed that "i don't need to fight him.....i'm looking for other fights." Somethin along those lines.

              If PBF did say this I really dont understand this, what other fights could there be at 135?? Spaddy was and is a undefeated fighter, Spaddy also had a major belt at the time so this would give Mayweather the opportunity to unify 2 belts??

              The answer to this question could be that Spaddy roughed PBF up in a sparring session. A friend of mine saw the tape and said he embarassed PBF pretty good.

              I just think it funny how Mayweather calls my boy Gatti out for duckin him, when its looks like the Mayweather had dodged some bullets of his own

              Also on a side note would like to see a Spadfora/Mayweather to be honest, as much as I dislike Mayweather, and really am losing my intrest in Spaddy as well w/ each day.

              Props to you Thunder for being the only poster to openly support Gatti.

              I know a lot of us secretly hope he wins, but nobody else wants to say anything about Gatti except for you.


              • #8
                Paul "Gimp-feet" Spadafora could not hold PBF's jockstrap with a hydraulic jack lift. That fruit would get knocked out in less than 6 rounds, regardless of how good his chin "appears". He went the distance with the rambunctious little turd Dorin, and was lucky to escape with a draw. Mayweather could literally fight both of these C class fighters at the same time.

                As for Spaddy giving Floyd problems in a supposed "sparring session", please. Either post the video link, or at least an arcticle that described something remotely close to that. The only chance that Spadafora would have at gaining the upper-hand in a sparring session, would be if Floyd broke either one of his hands.

                As for him "ducking" Spaddy.....that is ridiculous. There would have been no money in a fight with a lesser fighter like that, and he was set on the bigger money fights.......ALA Corrales, Castillo etc. Mayweather never ducked Gatti, and all this talk about him ducking does not make sense especially now that he is going to demolish the C class fighter.

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                • #9
                  Originally posted by joeboxer
                  I know a lot of us secretly hope he wins,.
                  I hope he gets punished beyond recognition. And I mean that dearly. BoxerNYC claimed:

                  "you know you want him to win, you need him to win, etc"


                  I am a Floyd Mayweather fan. Not Arturdhole Gatti fan.

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                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Runw/knives
                    I hope he gets punished beyond recognition. And I mean that dearly. BoxerNYC claimed:

                    "you know you want him to win, you need him to win, etc"


                    I am a Floyd Mayweather fan. Not Arturdhole Gatti fan.
                    I said a lot. Not all, not most, and definitly not Runswknives


