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I Went To My Girlfriend's House Earlier To Meet Her Parents

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  • #41

    Epic poster. . . Epic handle. . .


    • #42
      someone block this ******.


      • #43
        lmaoo....i remember being in tears first time reading this


        • #44
          Originally posted by Alx. View Post
          lmaoo....i remember being in tears first time reading this
          Hahaha, I GOT BUMMED was an epic poster. . .

          We need to bring him back. . .


          • #45
            My first time to read this thread. I almost die laughing.


            • #46
              Anyone who read anything past when he talked about a rigid dick is a certified ****.


              • #47
                Originally posted by Piggu View Post
                hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
                Originally posted by Pico Hollywood View Post
                Ehhhhhhh The Story was not arousing at all....
                Originally posted by them_apples View Post

                made me laugh though
                Originally posted by Oasis_Lad View Post
                I won't lie, I got a semi. Good work.
                Threads like these always make me miss these fantastic users.


                • #48
                  Originally posted by I Got Bummed View Post
                  Her Dad seemed like a nice guy, so we decided to go have a chat in the other room.

                  He walked in and I followed. While he went to a nearby window
                  and lowered the blinds, he directed me to sit on the bed.

                  When he returned he stood in front of me. The bulge in his
                  pants was more apparent now than I had noticed before. I was
                  still uncertain as to what was about to unfold until he unbuckled
                  his pants and unzipped them. He did it so quickly. Before I
                  knew it, they were on the floor around his ankles and he had also
                  pushed his shorts down too.

                  In an instant, I was looking at his sizable erection that was
                  hardening and soon was jutting out and up. His dick head was
                  swollen, bloated and shiny, and large.

                  Being caught off guard by his sudden action, It took me a while
                  to ascertain what was about to be asked of me as I sat facing
                  head on what looked to be an 8 inch stout rigid dick in need of

                  “You like what you see Donald? How about giving my dick some of
                  that sucking you give my daughter's slimy ****.”

                  “O-OH NO! S-Sir I-I can't do t-that. I-I'm n-not gay. I-I've
                  never s-s-sucked a m-man's p-***** b-before.” I replied
                  nervously and pitifully.

                  “Well, my boy there is always a first time. And with you so
                  accustomed to the taste of jism, you already got half of being a
                  ****sucker down. Now c'mon open your sissy mouth and wrap your
                  girlish mama's boy lips around my dick. You've had your mouth on
                  a ***** where a lot of dicks have been. Now you're just tasting
                  one dick. C'mon Donald, this will be a good experience for both
                  of us.”

                  “P-Please S-Sir, I-I c-can't...”

                  “Damn it! My dick is hard! Stop messing around you pipsqueak

                  “SLAP!” He hit me with a backhand slap. It made more noise
                  than actually hurting me, but it got my attention. I knew then
                  and there he meant business.

                  “That ain't nothing compared to when I make a fist. See this?”
                  His large fisted hand terrified me even more. I knew I had to do
                  what was demanded of me.

                  “P-P-Please s-sir! D-Don't h-hurt me! I-I'll do w-what you
                  want.” Being easily intimidated and frightened, I feared being
                  hit and the resulting pain.

                  I knew there was not much for me to do but to give in to him.

                  I replied quickly and in a very scared tone.

                  “P-Please t-tell m-me what t-to do.” I asked of him. And he

                  I closed my eyes as I gingerly licked his big shiny, almost
                  glassy dick head and tasted his clear pre-cum.

                  As I got use to moving my mouth around his rigid manly member,
                  licking and suckling on his big ***** was easier than I had
                  assumed it to be. It was obvious he was thrilled and was
                  enjoying my oral administrations on his hot rigid dick.

                  I could also sense he was pleased at my change in behavior,
                  which I didn't think about it, but had gone from fright and
                  horror to probing curiosity with my tongue and lips and mouth.

                  Once he got ready for me to let his **** slip in between my
                  lips, he made sure I knew how to keep my teeth out of the way.

                  “That's it Donald, don't be afraid of being a sissy sucker.
                  It's good for both of us.” Her dad said as half of his large
                  thick member filled my mouth and I slowly suckled it as he
                  directed me to.

                  I continued to suckle him as he held the back of my head. Soon,
                  he was slowly ****ing my mouth and moaning. It was obvious he
                  found great pleasure in using me this way to sooth his rigid rod.

                  Moments later he began moaning louder and it became
                  obvious to me by his motions that he might be approaching the
                  point of no return and nearing ejaculation of his semen.

                  There was nothing I could to do to stop him, so I just prepared
                  myself for what was to come. I surmised I would have to swallow
                  fast as I was sure he would be spurting heavy and rapid. I was
                  right on both accounts, except I didn't count on the viscosity
                  being so thick and his ejaculate being so hot.

                  There was a heated trail going down my gullet as I swallowed his
                  copious discharge of cum.

                  I had my eyes closed while all this was happening so as to
                  better concentrate on what I had to do. Darlene's dad ordered me
                  to continue milking his slowly softening and shrinking *****, and
                  I kept my eyes closed for a few moments while doing as he

                  When I did open them, to my utter surprise, Darlene was holding
                  her cell phone not more than a foot away getting a close of all
                  the action that had taken place. As soon as I realized what was
                  going on I sought to break free of the hold her dad had on me.
                  He did release me and also pulled his thick dick head from my
                  lips. It made a loud plop. An obvious indication I was applying
                  suction to his dick at that moment. A definite indication I was
                  not ready for him to pull out for anyone looking at Darlene's
                  video. In addition, there was a slimy string of drool between my
                  lips and his dick head, which I knew had to add to the
                  humiliating nature of the video.

                  “A damn good blow job Donald! Your boyfriend definitely can
                  suck!” Her dad spoke as he addressed both of us.
                  Bro what the fuk is wrong with you.

