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So the murder rate has dropped <3% in the UK since the 1997 hangun ban.

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  • #11

    #1 - S. Carolina
    #2 - Tennessee
    #3 - Nevada
    #4 - Florida
    #5 - Louisiana
    #6 - Alaska
    #7 - Delaware
    #8 - Maryland
    #9 - New Mexico
    #10 - Michigan

    Texas is #15 by the way. Also your dismissal of the assault weapons crime being so low again, isn't the issue. It's the type of crimes being committed with them that you guys can't seem to get your head around.


    • #12
      hawaii has strict gun laws but low crime rates = GUN CONTROL WORKS!

      idaho has lax gun laws but low crime rates = SEE GUNS LAWS MAKE NO DIFFERENCE!

      california has strict gun laws and high crime = GUN LAWS DON'T WORK!

      texas has lax gun laws and high crime = TEXAS NEEDS GUN CONTROL!

      every city has different crime rates no matter the state. don't come in here with some ****** state stat thats bogus trying to make a lame point.

      crime rates depend on a lot of things, state gun laws are at the bottom of that list.


      • #13
        Originally posted by Cuauhtémoc1520 View Post

        #1 - S. Carolina
        #2 - Tennessee
        #3 - Nevada
        #4 - Florida
        #5 - Louisiana
        #6 - Alaska
        #7 - Delaware
        #8 - Maryland
        #9 - New Mexico
        #10 - Michigan

        Texas is #15 by the way. Also your dismissal of the assault weapons crime being so low again, isn't the issue. It's the type of crimes being committed with them that you guys can't seem to get your head around.
        i don't even understand the point you're trying to make with that ****** list.

        assault weapons massacres are flukes.

        makes little difference.


        • #14
          Originally posted by left hook tua View Post
          hawaii has strict gun laws but low crime rates = gun control works!

          Idaho has lax gun laws but low crime rates = see guns laws make no difference!

          California has strict gun laws and high crime = gun laws don't work!

          Texas has lax gun laws and high crime = texas needs gun control!

          Every city has different crime rates no matter the state. Don't come in here with some ****** state stat thats bogus trying to make a lame point.

          crime rates depend on a lot of things, state gun laws are at the bottom of that list.
          Exactly. Great point.


          • #15
            Originally posted by Left Hook Tua View Post
            i don't even understand the point you're trying to make with that ****** list.

            assault weapons massacres are flukes.

            makes little difference.
            Let me say it slowly so you can understand. The idea the pro gun people keep pushing that MORE GUNS MEANS LOWER CRIME RATES, is not true. Are there cities like Chicago for example that have a high crime rate and strict laws? Sure but that's because of "straw" sales in which legal guns are being purchased outside of the city limits and being sold illegally inside.

            40% of all guns sold in this country are done so private to private sell where no background check, no mental health check is needed, so what's the point when there's huge loop holes in the system.

            Why can't we agree to background checks for all guns? Why can't we know who has them and we by pass this giant loop hole in the system.

            It's really quite easy.


            • #16
              Originally posted by Burner © View Post
              Exactly. Great point.
              if you're in compton, your risks of getting killed is high.

              in carson, your risk is low.

              compton is one of the worst cities in l.a.

              carson is a quiet, nice suburb city in l.a.

              carson is across the street. LOL

              gun laws must change when you cross artesia boulevard.


              • #17
                Originally posted by Cuauhtémoc1520 View Post
                Let me say it slowly so you can understand. The idea the pro gun people keep pushing that MORE GUNS MEANS LOWER CRIME RATES, is not true. Are there cities like Chicago for example that have a high crime rate and strict laws? Sure but that's because of "straw" sales in which legal guns are being purchased outside of the city limits and being sold illegally inside.

                40% of all guns sold in this country are done so private to private sell where no background check, no mental health check is needed, so what's the point when there's huge loop holes in the system.

                Why can't we agree to background checks for all guns? Why can't we know who has them and we by pass this giant loop hole in the system.

                It's really quite easy.
                i can understand things fine.

                just not ****** random lists of states with no explanation.


                • #18
                  Do my American brothers believe the government is going to change the laws? I can't see it happening myself, if going on The Lounge is anything to gauge it by, Americans dont seem happy about giving up guns or changing the laws, so i'm sure the government must be aware of public opinion?


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by chav View Post
                    Do my American brothers believe the government is going to change the laws? I can't see it happening myself, if going on The Lounge is anything to gauge it by, Americans dont seem happy about giving up guns or changing the laws, so i'm sure the government must be aware of public opinion?
                    a lot of americans own guns and a lot who don't who'd like the option if they ever did want to own one.

                    that's all it comes down to.


                    • #20
                      Originally posted by Left Hook Tua View Post
                      a lot of americans own guns and a lot who don't who'd like the option if they ever did want to own one.

                      that's all it comes down to.
                      If I was in your shoes, I would be kicking off. Once it's taken away, it's hard to ever get back again.

                      I'm personally not so sure regular folks really need semi-auto military style weapons, but as i said above, I would still want the option, then having it taken away.
                      I just wonder if they will make drastic changes when so many Americans own guns and it's such big business. They know the backlash will be massive

