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Opinions on Feminists?

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  • Opinions on Feminists?

    I was having a conversation with one at work

    I said that Males are better all round athletes.

    I said that in 99% of sports, the best males will beat the best females.

    She argued against this, and said that women are just as strong and fast as men.

    I said "why are all the men's best times and scores better then"

    It went nowhere, she kept arguing

    She's known as being all "womens rights" (don't they HAVE equal rights?)

    Just a mind numbing convorsation I never should have goten into really, but i'm an idiot for this kind of thing.

    What is up with these "feminists"

  • #2
    I dislike Feminist, they want equal pay without doing equal work. Socially they're catered too. In any dangerous situation, they either get out first or they're taken care of first.

    When i see women doing jobs like these, then we can start talking about feminism and equality


    • #3
      "we work equally hard! we deserve the same compensation"


      • #4
        They give crap blow jobs and make a terrible sandwich.


        • #5
          I have no issue with 60s and 70s feminism. As they slid out of relevance they adopted wackier and wackier views in order to perpetuate the meme.


          • #6
            She sounds more like a ****** than a feminist.

            Woman sprinters are just as fast as male sprinters even if they are slower....?


            • #7
              There are areas where I can understand their gripes e.g. portrayal in film, but for the most part feminists annoy the hell out of me. I don't get what they want. They just talk about feminism per se rather than arguing about real issues

              Femininity makes up one half of humanity in every domain, so I don't think gender discrimination can be as serious as racial etc.

              I'm not that well informed on the matter though so I could be way off.


              • #8
                Get off dat der phaggot time.


                • #9
                  I'd love to punch a feminist so hard, because they are equal to us apparently.


                  • #10
                    most self-proclaimed feminists know just as little about feminism as the frustrated boys on the internet who go around bashing them. do some reading on the topic if you really want to know what it's about, don't write it off because of some bad experiences with idiots.

