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*Update* Witnesses testimony in Trayvon Martin murder!

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  • #11
    Originally posted by Boxingtech718v2 View Post
    Damn B, this isn't the time for trolling. Go find a pac/floyd article to debate or something.
    I am not. Do you really think that guy would shoot this guy for no reason?? Come on now. The kid was roaming the area for a while su****iously. I do not endorse what he did but you don't know if that kid tried to attack him first.


    • #12
      Originally posted by Boxingtech718v2 View Post
      Damn B, this isn't the time for trolling. Go find a pac/floyd article to debate or something.
      Debate? Or infect?


      • #13
        Originally posted by Bombs View Post
        I am not. Do you really think that guy would shoot this guy for no reason?? Come on now. The kid was roaming the area for a while su****iously. I do not endorse what he did but you don't know if that kid tried to attack him first.
        -Guy follows kid home.
        -Kid punches guy.
        -Guy shoots kid.
        -Kid is down, screaming for help.
        -Guy shoots kid again.
        -Guy claims self defense.

        Even you have to admit there's something wrong with this picture.


        • #14
          Originally posted by Very Rich Man View Post
          -Guy follows kid home.
          -Kid punches guy.
          -Guy shoots kid.
          -Kid is down, screaming for help.
          -Guy shoots kid again.
          -Guy claims self defense.

          Even you have to admit there's something wrong with this picture.
          Don't feed the troll, devoid of attention and power he will have to return to guarding his bridge.


          • #15
            Originally posted by Very Rich Man View Post
            -Guy follows kid home.
            -Kid punches guy.
            -Guy shoots kid.
            -Kid is down, screaming for help.
            -Guy shoots kid again.
            -Guy claims self defense.

            Even you have to admit there's something wrong with this picture.
            No doubt but things happen in the heat of the moment. It already happened and now it's about finding out if something triggered it because that will ultimately end up deciding the final sentence.


            • #16
              Not to detract from the gravity of the situation (I contributed plenty of serious commentary in the other thread), but damn, I'd tap that beezy


              • #17
                Originally posted by Boxingtech718v2 View Post
                Don't feed the troll, devoid of attention and power he will have to return to guarding his bridge.
                That's cute. It's funny though you sent me 6 friend requests last month and when I kept rejecting them because I don't like you, you send me a PM asking why and to be friends lol.


                • #18
                  Still not sold


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by MANIAC310 View Post
                    Still not sold
                    Not this loser again. Nobody respond to him.


                    • #20
                      Originally posted by Bushbaby View Post
                      The thing i find most interesting is that the 2 witnesses said he was on the boyds back as the boy lay face down. That means 1 of two things. He either shot the kid in his back, or he moved the body. Both are serious alarm for foul play. Also the one lady, the 1st had to go looking for investigators??

                      I need my educated homey Pug to come & educate me in the defense of this murderer. Why are the witnesses being ignored & why Zimmerman was laying on the dead kids back & why this ****er isn't sitting behind bars.

                      Di BUSH BABEEEE! Lol first off let me apologize for any kind of disrespect our debate earlier might have conveyed. . . With you and Russian Crushin', two posters I admire and respect on here, I had no intent to belittle ya'll's opinions. Yeah, I'm a little more than halfway finished with law school, but I don't know anymore than most of you guys know. I have just read hundreds of Supreme Court opinions, so I have got a feel for how they reason. . . But when it comes to knowing the law, I don't even study Florida statute law, and I have forgotten a lot of the common law definitions by now. You guys can look it up just as easy as I can. We are all equal on here - we're simply trying to give our opinions on the matter; none is "better" than the other.

                      Secondly, I think that this guy had no business whatsoever trying to "detain and question" some kid just walking down the street. People like this who have guns scare me. It seems that he does have some racial profiling tendencies as well, and perhaps some hate in his heart, and having that hate in your heart is never good.

                      Now, in regards to the witnesses, I wonder if he was detained on the scene until all the witnesses were initially questioned. Also, I wonder what the other 4 witnesses said. It does seem to be harder to argue what he wasn't arrested on the scene, especially if the witness told the cops what she said in the interview. Why didn't the cops further question her yet either, I don't know.

                      Some things that I wonder based on witness testimony, and other facts we just learned:
                      - Did the lady actually SEE the shooting? She said there was "no punching or kicking", but then she says she heard screams, and they stopped after the gunshot. She doesn't know FOR SURE who the screams for help were coming from, but she drew her own conclusion because they stopped after the gunshots. This implies that she DID NOT EVEN SEE the altercation. That could just as easily support that it was Zimmerman, beacuse after he shot Trayvon, he no longer needed help.
                      - The boy they interviewed said he did not know who was screaming, but also supported that the screaming stopped after the gunshot.

                      Now, things that I would like to find out:
                      - What other 4 witnesses said.
                      - What was the angle of the bullet entry?
                      - Was Zimmerman actually on the ground, and Trayvon over top of him kicking and hitting him when he shot him? OR, were they both on their feet, and the scuffle was already over with, and he was no longer in any kind of danger? They will have a good idea based on bullet entry, blood trails, etc.
                      - Did Zimmerman ACTUALLY have blood coming out the back of his head and nose, and the cops NOTED this? Or is it just what he said?

                      Still too much I don't know. . . But I agree that the guy looks like he was probably mad he got beat up, and THEN shot Trayvon after being in no danger. I'm still not ready to say the cops are being racist, and don't care about Trayvon's life. . . They very well could have reasonably believed (based on witness testimony, and evidence, or lack thereof on the scene), that there wasn't enough probable cause to warrant an arrest. Lets see what happens from here. . .
                      Last edited by UglyPug; 03-19-2012, 09:47 PM.

