By Mark Vester

Last week it was revealed that George Foreman alleged is his book, "God in My Corner," that he was possibly drugged during his 1974 'Rumble in the Jungle' bout with Muhammad Ali. Foreman claimed that he drank water was spiked with some kind of medicine.

"I climbed into the ring with that medicinal taste still lingering in my mouth . . . After the third round, I was as tired as if I had fought 15 rounds. What's going on here? Did someone slip a drug in my water?" Foreman wrote.

In an interview with the New York Post, former heavyweight champ Joe Frazier, who fought Ali three times and Foreman twice, said that he does not believe Foreman's claim of being drugged and further said that Ali won "fair and square" that night.

"I think Ali won fair and square. The better man won that night," Frazier said.

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