By Ryan Burton

Count WBO welterweight champion Tim Bradley amongst the side that believes Juan Manuel Marquez is a clean fighter. The 39-year-old Marquez raised eyebrows with his ripped physique and one punch knockout of Manny Pacquiao last Saturday in Las Vegas.

In a recent interview on The Boxing Lab,'s official audio show, Bradley said that until Marquez test positive he needs to be given the benefit of the doubt. We asked Bradley how it was possible for Marquez to get into prime condition at this stage of his career. 


"Its the fact that he trained for 4 months and the fact that he had a tight knit diet plus one of the best coaches," Bradley stated while point to Marquez's training regimen. "He was getting up at five in the morning and working hard. Look at the squats and other workouts he was doing."

The 29-year-old Bradley has a chiseled physique himself and said that he was able transform his body using nothing but good old fashioned hard work.

"I went from a chunky dough boy to a ripped up specimen. People tried to say I was on drugs. He took a his urine test. If it comes up clean well then there you have it. He's clean," said Bradley who also said that he thinks more stringent drug testing is needed for title fights. 

"They need to come up with something for championship fights. Not all fights but for championship fights. They need to come up with some anti-doping tests to make sure its safe for everyone. I truly believe there should be some (additional) testing for championship fights."

You can listen to the interview in its entirety by clicking here:

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