DETROIT — Wilfried Sauerland has no doubts that Super Six World Boxing Classic tournament point leader King Arthur Abraham would have knocked Andre Dirrell out had it not been for his controversial disqualification in the 11th round.

“After a slow start, Arthur was finally landing his power punches,” Sauerland said. “He clearly knocked Dirrell down in the tenth and was following it up in the 11th. There is no way Dirrell would have seen the end of the 12th round.”

After reviewing the tape, Sauerland stated that a clearly exhausted Dirrell seized his chance to sneak out of the fight when the chance presented itself, especially with Abraham upping pressure before the controversial ending.

“The TV pictures indicate that Dirrell was down, but there is no way Arthur could have realized that in the heat of the moment. He was just trying to keep up the attack. However, Dirrell is a very good actor. We are glad that his check-up at the hospital turned out just fine but frankly we did not expect any other outcome since he was just acting. He deserves an Oscar for his performance.”

The 26-year-old American was taken to hospital after the fight.

“I wish him all the best and hope he is fine,” Abraham said. “I thought I could still punch because the referee did not stop us. In the heat of the moment I was not watching his feet but only his head. As a professional boxer, you always try and make pressure.”

Abraham said it was a very competitive fight.

“I am a slow starter,” he added. “That is how I fight. But I picked up in the later rounds and connected.”

Abraham was knocked down for the first time his career in the fourth but returned the favour in the tenth when he floored Dirrell, although no knock-down was credited.

Team Sauerland will officially protest the verdict.