By Mark Vester & Thomas Schlabe

Ulli Wegner, the trainer of undefeated super middleweight Arthur Abraham, is questioning the validity of Andre Dirrell's back injury. They were scheduled to fight in the second stage of Showtime's Super Six tournament on March 6. Dirrell withdrew with a back injury. The fight was postponed to March 27.

Wegner is not happy. He thinks there is no injury and says Dirrell's team is trying to play mind games.

"How can he [Dirrell] already know that he'll be fit a 100 percent come March 27? When someone gets injured he can't already call the date of being healthy again. Camp Dirrell just want to play mind games with us, but this won't give them any advantage. We will continue to keep Arthur staying focused and won't get thrown off track," Wegner told BILD.

The withdrawal by Dirrell will have Wegner under a tight time table as he also prepares WBO cruiserweight champion Marco Huck for his title defense against Adam Richards on March 13. Therefore, he has to fly back to Germany next week and needs to come back to the United States immediately afterwards.