By Rick Reeno

Manny Pacquiao's troubles will not end with Floyd Mayweather Jr. If the camps representing Pacquiao and Mayweather do not reach an agreement with respect to the random Olympic-style drug testing for their tentative March 13 bout, Juan Manuel Marquez is one of the fighters being eyed as a possible replacement for Mayweather. was advised by several reliable sources within the United States, and Mexico - that Marquez, like Mayweather, would make a request for Pacquiao to take part in random Olympic-style drug testing. I was told that Richard Schaefer, CEO for Golden Boy Promotions [promoter for Marquez and representing Mayweather], told several parties that a Pacquiao-Marquez trilogy bout would have to include Olympic-style drug testing. In fact, Schaefer told BoxingScene's Robert Morales that any Golden Boy fighter vs. Pacquiao would have to include Olympic-style drug testing.

Everything has exploded since Tuesday, when the news became known that Pacquiao refused to take part in the random Olympic-style drug testing. Pacquiao does not want the US Anti Doping Agency involved. The USADA has the power to request numerous blood tests from Pacquiao during the training period. Pacquiao is willing to take up to three blood tests, including one immediately after the conclusion of the fight, and another to take place 30-days before the fight.

Arum, according to several BoxingScene interviews, says Pacquiao is not happy with the USADA having the ability to disrupt his training, without notice, to take a blood test. The USADA would require several blood tests from both fighters. Every test would take place at a random period during the training camp for each fighter.

Pacquiao is in a very tough position. One one hand, a strong case can be made on why he shouldn't agree to take these tests. In a way he's being treated like a guilty party - without any evidence. On the other hand, the same testing demands can come up with several other potential opponents like Andre Berto [managed by Mayweather adviser Al Haymon], Shane Mosley [promoted by Golden Boy] and Paul Williams [managed by Al Haymon].