By Andrey Krikunov

Sergiy Dzinziruk continues to follow the unsuccessful attempts to carry out the Paul Williams-PKelly avlik bout and claims that he is ready to meet The Punisher in the ring even if the Ukrainian doesn’t have much time for the training camp. On Wednesday the junior middleweight WBO champion flies to the USA where he will begin the negotiations with Paul Williams’ team. Sergiy, the bout between Paul Williams and Kelly Pavlik has been cancelled again, and there is a rumor that the promoters of Williams want to organize his bout with you on December, 5. What can you tell about it?

Sergiy Dzinziruk: Yes, I know about this variant, I’ve heard the talks about it. I’m interested in it, but the thing is I will fly to the USA on Wednesday, and only then we’ll meet the promoters and will start negotiating the conditions. But I can say that if we manage to agree upon everything and make this bout happen, I’ll be really glad. In that case you’ll have only a bit more than a month for the training camp, is it enough for you?

Sergiy Dzinziruk: Of course, the lack of time isn’t very good factor for me, but that’s not a big deal. I keep myself in shape, work on my fitness all the time. I think that I’ll be able to have a decent training camp even in a month and will reach my top form. Williams on the contrary has been preparing for this bout far too long, could it be to your advantage?

Sergiy Dzinziruk: Well, his bout with Pavlik has been cancelled several times, but still he’s been training for this important fight and this date all this time, so, I think, he’s the one who has an advantage in time. There were rumors about your bout with Cory Spinks, but now he has another opponent. Why weren’t your negotiations successful?

Sergiy Dzinziruk: We didn’t have direct contact with them, but there was a real possibility of this bout. At first Spinks and his camp were interested in it, but then they decided that it wasn’t worth it to fight me and preferred to choose a weaker opponent.  Let’s say they decided not to take a risk, though it would have been interesting to make a unification bout. Any news from Universum? What is their reaction to your possible fight with Williams? What if they offer to take part in the organization of this bout [with Williams]?

Sergiy Dzinziruk: Maybe they want to take part in it, but I don’t want to have any business with them. As of now they haven’t contacted me or offered anything. If they do, I can think about it and analyze it. But actually I think that they will try to mess with this bout, do something nasty to undermine our negotiations, but we’ll be ready for that. Some American boxing fans are pretty skeptical towards European champions. What can you tell them before beginning your career in the USA?

Sergiy Dzinziruk: Before the boxers from the former Soviet Union had an opportunity to become professionals Americans claimed that they were the strongest fighters in the world. But as soon as the gates were open, a lot of boxers from the USSR became professionals and now we see that there is a considerable amount of European champions and Eastern European as well. So I don’t think that we can talk about American supremacy in boxing nowadays. I’m ready to fight any opponent and to prove that I’m a good boxer who is worth to represent his country.