The latest WBA Ratings published have confirmed Nikolai Valuev as the undisputed WBA Heavyweight Champion. The Russian Giant is listed as the sole heavyweight champion, with Ruslan Chagaev having been moved to the number one spot of the rankings. Furthermore, Chagaev is not considered “champion in recess” any more. “We welcome the WBA´s decision,” said Chris Meyer, General Manager of Team Sauerland. “It confirms what we have been saying for a long time – that Nikolai Valuev is the undisputed WBA Heavyweight Champion.”

Chagaev had twice pulled out of fights with Valuev in May and July 2008. The third attempt – a fight in Helsinki – fell through in May 2009 when Chagaev was unable to fulfil the Finnish boxing federation´s medical requirements. “Since the new ratings clearly state who the true champion is, we can now submit the applications for official approval of Niko´s next fight – the voluntary defence against David Haye,” Meyer added.

Valuev´s clash with Haye is scheduled for November 7.