By Mark Vester

Authorities in Brazil have revealed to reporters that Arturo Gatti's wife, Amanda Rodrigues, is one of their main suspects in the investigation of Gatti's death. Early on Saturday morning, Gatti was found dead by wife in their rented condo at the seaside resort of Porto de Galihnas in Brazil. Brazilian police officials have said that inconsistencies in her testimony have given them grounds for suspicion. The couple was on a month's vacation in the country.

Gatti was found with marks on his neck and some damage to the back of his head, the result of a hit from an unknown object they believe. Gatti's wife told authorities that she and her husband were involved in a very heated verbal dispute on Friday night in a Brazilian bar. She alleges that Gatti was drunk when they came home.

The story on how and where Gatti's body was discovered in the condo continues to change. The wife claims she went to sleep and woke up at 6am to take care of their one-year-old child. She thought Gatti was sleeping called for him and when she tried to wake him around 9am, she noticed he was dead. Police authorities say that he could have been dead for up to eight hours prior to their arrival to the scene of the crime. Police found a blood stained purse strap that one detective believes may have been used to strangle the fighter.

Police are still investigating and the wife is innocent until proven guilty.

Former champion Acelino Freitas was very close friends with Gatti, and told Brazilian reporters that he "knew Gatti and his wife were having some sort of problem and were about to separate."

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