By Mark Vester

Not only will Lennox Lewis serve as an advisor to David Haye, Lewis has offered his services in the form of a sparring partner to prepare Haye for a June meeting with WBC heavyweight champion Vitali Klitschko. Lewis retired a few months after he stopped Klitschko in 2003. Lewis was behind on the cards after six rounds of action, but the ringside doctor felt the cuts on Vitali's face were too severe to allow him to continue.

Haye's manager Adam Booth confirmed to The Sun that Lennox will step inside the ring for some sparring practice.

“Lennox offered to spar with David immediately he knew that an agreement had been reached with Klitschko. Lennox was in Germany to commentate for American TV station HBO when Vitali’s brother Wladimir Klitschko beat Hasim Rahman at the weekend. He seems to have really taken to David and wants to do all he can to help him land the heavyweight title,” Booth said.

A few days ago, Haye revealed that Lewis was coming on board in the role of an advisor.

“I’m really good friends with Lennox. He has worked with me in the gym before, he’s seen me sparring and he knows I’m the real deal. He’s beaten Vitali, he knows what works and what doesn’t and if there’s anyone to give me advice about strategy, it’s Lennox. Maybe I’ll go to the States where he is based. I’ve got six months to go, a long build-up to the fight, so why not? I’ll definitely bring Lennox on board," Haye said.

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